Here are my tips on how to be productive at home despite how tempting it may be to stay in pajamas and do nothing!
I have one goal everyday. That is to be productive! When this happens, I feel accomplished and confident in serving my family as effectively as I am called to.
I should mention first that I am a planner by nature. I love organization and cleanliness and most people do! It just takes a ton of discipline to be an efficient homemaker so we make time for what truly matters, rather than drowning by the same overwhelming mess everyday.
So how do you go from sitting on the couch and laying in bed all day to being productive at home? How do you go from the person, wife, and mother you are, to one you want to be?
Study and Pray
If we have not started our mornings with the Lord, then we have set ourselves up to fail throughout the day. We need to first set our hearts right with God in order to love like He does. This is the key on how to be productive at home.
Wake up early
This one is difficult! What I mean is wake up before the kids and maybe even your husband. I love helping David out the door to go to work. Making his coffee just the way he likes, packing his lunch, a kiss on the way out the door. And my favorite part? Studying the Bible and preparing mentally for the day BEFORE the kids wake up!
Get ready for the day
I am so bad at this but it is a goal this year to accomplish this more often than not. My desire is to look my best and feel my best for my husband and children even if I am not going anywhere! I am not usually in my pajamas all day, (a total win in my book) but I may put on an outfit and then leave my hair in a ponytail and wear slippers all day. This is hardly the look I would expect to wow my husband when he gets home from work!
Plan your productive day
This is so challenging for some, but truly comes so naturally to me. I am a planner to the core. I actually need to plan to do nothing, or something WILL get done! Even if it is just mentally, the night before, or in the morning before everyone else is up; Planning your day allows you to maintain control over your time rather than hitting the pillow and wondering what the heck you did today!
Meal Plan
Meal planning does not always look like scheduling out breakfast lunch and dinner for the next 7 days or cooking once and eating the same meal for the next 4-5 days! Sometimes, it just means having different meat options thawed in the fridge for the week so you can whip up some quick meals without too much thinking ahead.
Clean everywhere you go
Everyone has their own style of cleaning, and trust me, I have tried many! I actually used to help my mom clean homes for extra cash when I younger so I am no stranger to cleaning. This being said, what works for me is just cleaning up as I go! This is very similar to the touch it once method. If I pick it up, I will not let it go until it is in its proper home.
Start dinner early
And by this, I mean EARLY. During the time when we went to church 2 hours away, on Wednesdays I had to cook dinner on my lunch break in order for me to just heat it up, pick up kids from school, and head to church. Now, I simply start around lunch time, or around 3 pm. This is plenty of time to realize you forgot an ingredient and then adapt!
Early Bedtime!
Since dinner is typically served somewhat early, we try to have the kids in bed by 7:30-8:00 pm. We do this for several reasons. Sleep, along with routine is about one of the best things for children. They know it is coming, they know the bedtime routine starts after dinner and we plan quality time, story time etc. in that window of time. It even has helped teach time management! If they want it done before bed, they may want to get done before dinner.
Prioritize your spouse
You’ve probably noticed that how to be productive at home relies heavily on routine. since the children are in bed early, we now have an open window of time to shower, spend some quality time together, or even have a small date night! We love playing board games, eating ice cream, or even watching a movie.
Prep for the next day
I take just a little bit of time right before bed to prep for the next day. Do just one last walk through of the home, making mental notes of what needs to get done the next day; Set the coffee maker to brew at 5:40am, make sure David’s lunch is packed and figure out what my oldest will take for lunch as well. the success of tomorrow starts tonight!
Okay so there you have it! Remember that habits take a while to form so give yourself grace! I don’t do every single one of these every single day. However, I find that if and when I do all or most of these things consistently, those are simultaneously my most peaceful and joyful days.
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